





ルネッサンス シカゴ オヘア スイーツ ホテル

ルネッサンス シカゴ オヘア スイーツ ホテル

The hotel is very nice but I found the airport shuttle service severely lacking (see below). I booked a Park,Stay,Fly package as I had an early flights and also needed parking. The hotel itself is excellent--great two room suites, large showers with Aveda bathroom products, and a nice pool area with with sauna, whirlpool, and gym. I think the hotel needs to work a lot better to provide consistent information regarding their shuttle service. A flier or card for guests who will need a return shuttle (with times/phone numbers/etc)would have been helpful and perhaps better training of staff to give accurate and consistent information when questions are asked. I parked in the timed limited spots near the front door on arrival as it was not clear where long term parking would be. I was told when checking in to park in the lot and bring my ticket back for validation and that I would be good to go when I returned 5 days later. When I returned 10 minutes later the next clerk said I would need to stop at the front desk to have my ticket validated when I got back on the return shuttle. When I checked out, the next morning, I asked again and was told I needed to stop back at the front desk. (I was a little worried line could be long on the way back). The shuttle to the airport was great. I was dropped off at my terminal 5 and asked the driver what to do for the return shuttle. I asked if it was at the Bus/Shuttle entrance, but he said, no since you're in Terminal 5 call when you get back and they would make a T5 stop to pick me up when that shuttle came through. Upon arriving back, I called the hotel and a shuttle was just about the leave and would coming through T5 shortly. The clerk who answered did not seem confident about the exact location or even the color of the shuttle which was a little worrisome. She said if I missed it to just wait 45 minutes for the next one. The waiting area in T5 is on a narrow curb between lanes of moving traffic and it was only 50 degrees outside. It is also difficult to talk to someone when calling the number. You have to listen to a long list of options, then stay on hold and hope someone actually answers the line. The shuttle did come along but there was a massive line of people to get on this shuttle. It was very unclear whether there would be enough room for everyone and the shuttle driver did not sort that out up front but was saying he wasn't sure if all the luggage was going to fit and some of might need to wait for the next shuttle (45 minutes later!). I wish he could have just done a quick head count and let us know but he spent 20 minutes loading luggage into the back when it was unclear if everyone would even have a seat. My luggage was large and I didn't want him to have to unload everyone else's to get mine out if there wasn't going to be a seat. After waiting 5 minutes with no answer, I decided to take a cab back. However, none off the cabs from T5 would take me such a short distan



ハンプトン イン シカゴ ノース  ロヨラ ステーション
このホテルのスタッフは、ヒルトンのホスピタリティの意味を定義しています。ドアから歩いてすぐに、家族のように扱われます。彼らは、たとえあなたが仕事のためにそこにいても、あなたの滞在をできる限り良いものにするために、できる限りのことを常に行っています。具体的には、フロントにいるシェリー、ヘクター、ブルンジは素晴らしかった。彼らはいつも彼らの顔に笑顔があり、それが私の滞在を明るくしました。私はそれが「3つ星ホテル」であることを見てきましたが、それよりもはるかに優れています。 Hオナーズのメンバーとして、私がその地域に戻ってきたら、また戻ってきます。  -唯一の詐欺はバレット専用駐車場です。
ザ ウィローズ ホテル
このホテルはWrigley Fieldに近接して素晴らしかった。モダンなタッチで古くて歴史的な感じがあります。部屋は清潔で、ベッドはとても快適でした。部屋は静かですが、日付はある。唯一のダウンフォールはチェックインする駐車場、その後滞在する駐車場でした。ホテルの裏側の駐車場を利用すれば、街路駐車場を見つけるのに十分幸運でない限り、おそらく必要です。ホテルを出た直後に路地に入る場合は、Yターンでランプに入る必要があります。私が変更を見たいのは、冷蔵庫に飲み物を入れていないことです(深夜のピザの残りの部分には部屋がありません)、部屋の電子レンジは素敵でした。「チェーン」ホテルのすべてのアメニティを備えた部屋を探しているなら、これはそうではありません。基本的な必需品です。また滞在します。スタッフはとてもフレンドリーで親切でした。
ホリデイ イン シカゴ オヘア エリア  IHG ホテル
ルネッサンス シカゴ オヘア スイーツ ホテル
The hotel is very nice but I found the airport shuttle service severely lacking (see below). I booked a Park,Stay,Fly package as I had an early flights and also needed parking. The hotel itself is excellent--great two room suites, large showers with Aveda bathroom products, and a nice pool area with with sauna, whirlpool, and gym. I think the hotel needs to work a lot better to provide consistent information regarding their shuttle service. A flier or card for guests who will need a return shuttle (with times/phone numbers/etc)would have been helpful and perhaps better training of staff to give accurate and consistent information when questions are asked. I parked in the timed limited spots near the front door on arrival as it was not clear where long term parking would be. I was told when checking in to park in the lot and bring my ticket back for validation and that I would be good to go when I returned 5 days later. When I returned 10 minutes later the next clerk said I would need to stop at the front desk to have my ticket validated when I got back on the return shuttle. When I checked out, the next morning, I asked again and was told I needed to stop back at the front desk. (I was a little worried line could be long on the way back). The shuttle to the airport was great. I was dropped off at my terminal 5 and asked the driver what to do for the return shuttle. I asked if it was at the Bus/Shuttle entrance, but he said, no since you're in Terminal 5 call when you get back and they would make a T5 stop to pick me up when that shuttle came through. Upon arriving back, I called the hotel and a shuttle was just about the leave and would coming through T5 shortly. The clerk who answered did not seem confident about the exact location or even the color of the shuttle which was a little worrisome. She said if I missed it to just wait 45 minutes for the next one. The waiting area in T5 is on a narrow curb between lanes of moving traffic and it was only 50 degrees outside. It is also difficult to talk to someone when calling the number. You have to listen to a long list of options, then stay on hold and hope someone actually answers the line. The shuttle did come along but there was a massive line of people to get on this shuttle. It was very unclear whether there would be enough room for everyone and the shuttle driver did not sort that out up front but was saying he wasn't sure if all the luggage was going to fit and some of might need to wait for the next shuttle (45 minutes later!). I wish he could have just done a quick head count and let us know but he spent 20 minutes loading luggage into the back when it was unclear if everyone would even have a seat. My luggage was large and I didn't want him to have to unload everyone else's to get mine out if there wasn't going to be a seat. After waiting 5 minutes with no answer, I decided to take a cab back. However, none off the cabs from T5 would take me such a short distan






ビジネス出張や一般観光客の多くは、Chicago Gary International Aptを利用して、シカゴを訪れることが多いです。飛行機でシカゴへ行くとこが好まないお客様にとっては,列車もよい選択になるでしょう。

シカゴは256軒のおすすめホテルを立ち並んでおり、トリップドットコムなら最高20%の割引でご提供できます。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがシカゴで運営しています。デイズ インを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。デイズ インホテルは現地の人気ブランドホテルチェーンの一つです。シカゴの人気ホテルに関して、コングレス プラザ ホテル の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、オヘアインスイーツ をおすすめします。

シカゴの都市の中心周辺には、ウィリス・タワー, シカゴ美術館は人気な観光スポットです。実は、シカゴへ旅行では,人気観光スポットマグニフィシェント マイル, ミレニアム・パーク, マコーミック・プレイスもおすすめです。現地のお土産を購入するエリアに関して、ファッション・アウトレッツ・オブ・シカゴへ行くのは良いでしょう。










