





ウナ ホテル パレス カタニア

ウナ ホテル パレス カタニア

カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|中心部より0.3km







カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|中心部より0.36km
サントゥッツァ ホテル カターニア

サントゥッツァ ホテル カターニア

カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|中心部より0.35km
プラザ ホテル カタニア

プラザ ホテル カタニア

プラザホテル、カタニアに高い期待を寄せていました。 4 * に分類されました。部屋は素敵で素敵な装飾で、ミニバーで十分に広としています。バスルームは少しぼろぼろです。屋上バーは素晴らしいですが、銀行を壊したくない場合は避けるべきものとして非常に高い価格です!朝食は素晴らしく、屋上バーエリアで提供され、限られた英語を話すのを手伝おうとするまともなスタッフとたくさんの選択肢があります。レセプションエリアにはかび臭い匂いがあり、ホテルの残りの部分に合わせてアップグレードする必要があります。レセプションのスタッフはまともな英語を話しますが、あまり知識がありません。ここには公共バスがないため、ホテルが手配する高価なタクシーサービスを使用する必要がありました。15/19ユーロの間で中央エリアに支払うことを期待して、多くのバー、レストラン、ショップがあるドゥナカザーダル広場があります。ホテルに戻るためにドゥナの横にあるタクシーランク。私はカタニアに恋をしましたが、タクシーの運賃が追加の費用を加算したため、次回はより中心的な場所に滞在します。広場の向かいには、美しい海の景色を望む素敵なビーチバーがあり、ここのスタッフは素晴らしいので、訪れる価値があります。ホテルからわずか数ヤードのスーパーマーケット。前述のようにビーチはありませんが、ビーチレストランでベッドを約10ユーロでレンタルできます。









ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|アメナーノ噴水より0.04km
The website clearly doesn’t reflect reality. This is NOT a place we would ever enter willingly again. The rooms are nothing like advertised .From the reception where we were handed a room key and an air conditioner remote ( yes - and don’t ask me why the remote is not left in the room with the air conditioner!) through the narrow steep stairs ( there is no lift) and corridors that smelt of stale food, to what was touted as a room for 4 people with mini bar and balcony, things only declined. The room was awful. And that is putting it kindly. Green walls with a weird “ damp effect” that makes it look like the walls are peeling, dirty looking green bedcovers and matching curtains and furniture that looks battered and grey. The sheets at least seemed clean but one of the bedcovers had a hole it it - a cigarette burn. An awful bathroom where the flush didn’t work and you had to put your hand INTO the flush by lifting the cover and putting your hand into the mechanism to manually lift the lever...No fridge, no balcony - instead a window that overlooked a fire escape with a view of a red bucket and a a broom... Can it get worse? Yes, because the rooms stank of cigarette smoke.....and don’t start me on the lighting - dull and grey. An utterly depressing miserable room.... We spent 15 minutes in the room, got onto the Internet ( and I have to say the WiFi seemed to work well) and booked a fabulous set of clean,, joyful COVID compliant rooms exactly a 4 minute walk away. And left. We paid 84 euros ( yes you get what you pay for) for spending 15 min in this place and the pleasure of knowing we will never return. So unless you are someone who just needs a place to sleep, don’t worry too much about sanitized spaces, couldn’t be bothered about a loo that doesn’t works and don’t mind cigarette burns on your bedcovers and the smell of stale cigarettes, this place may not work for you.....And don’t ever go with kids. Mine are pretty hardy and have travelled around the globe - but this place got them depressed in minutes. Escape was a joy.



ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|ドゥオモ広場より0.08km
The website clearly doesn’t reflect reality. This is NOT a place we would ever enter willingly again. The rooms are nothing like advertised .From the reception where we were handed a room key and an air conditioner remote ( yes - and don’t ask me why the remote is not left in the room with the air conditioner!) through the narrow steep stairs ( there is no lift) and corridors that smelt of stale food, to what was touted as a room for 4 people with mini bar and balcony, things only declined. The room was awful. And that is putting it kindly. Green walls with a weird “ damp effect” that makes it look like the walls are peeling, dirty looking green bedcovers and matching curtains and furniture that looks battered and grey. The sheets at least seemed clean but one of the bedcovers had a hole it it - a cigarette burn. An awful bathroom where the flush didn’t work and you had to put your hand INTO the flush by lifting the cover and putting your hand into the mechanism to manually lift the lever...No fridge, no balcony - instead a window that overlooked a fire escape with a view of a red bucket and a a broom... Can it get worse? Yes, because the rooms stank of cigarette smoke.....and don’t start me on the lighting - dull and grey. An utterly depressing miserable room.... We spent 15 minutes in the room, got onto the Internet ( and I have to say the WiFi seemed to work well) and booked a fabulous set of clean,, joyful COVID compliant rooms exactly a 4 minute walk away. And left. We paid 84 euros ( yes you get what you pay for) for spending 15 min in this place and the pleasure of knowing we will never return. So unless you are someone who just needs a place to sleep, don’t worry too much about sanitized spaces, couldn’t be bothered about a loo that doesn’t works and don’t mind cigarette burns on your bedcovers and the smell of stale cigarettes, this place may not work for you.....And don’t ever go with kids. Mine are pretty hardy and have travelled around the globe - but this place got them depressed in minutes. Escape was a joy.


Catania Cathedral

ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

ホテル チェントラーレ ヨーロッパ

カターニャ市中心部 カタニア|Catania Cathedralより0.14km
The website clearly doesn’t reflect reality. This is NOT a place we would ever enter willingly again. The rooms are nothing like advertised .From the reception where we were handed a room key and an air conditioner remote ( yes - and don’t ask me why the remote is not left in the room with the air conditioner!) through the narrow steep stairs ( there is no lift) and corridors that smelt of stale food, to what was touted as a room for 4 people with mini bar and balcony, things only declined. The room was awful. And that is putting it kindly. Green walls with a weird “ damp effect” that makes it look like the walls are peeling, dirty looking green bedcovers and matching curtains and furniture that looks battered and grey. The sheets at least seemed clean but one of the bedcovers had a hole it it - a cigarette burn. An awful bathroom where the flush didn’t work and you had to put your hand INTO the flush by lifting the cover and putting your hand into the mechanism to manually lift the lever...No fridge, no balcony - instead a window that overlooked a fire escape with a view of a red bucket and a a broom... Can it get worse? Yes, because the rooms stank of cigarette smoke.....and don’t start me on the lighting - dull and grey. An utterly depressing miserable room.... We spent 15 minutes in the room, got onto the Internet ( and I have to say the WiFi seemed to work well) and booked a fabulous set of clean,, joyful COVID compliant rooms exactly a 4 minute walk away. And left. We paid 84 euros ( yes you get what you pay for) for spending 15 min in this place and the pleasure of knowing we will never return. So unless you are someone who just needs a place to sleep, don’t worry too much about sanitized spaces, couldn’t be bothered about a loo that doesn’t works and don’t mind cigarette burns on your bedcovers and the smell of stale cigarettes, this place may not work for you.....And don’t ever go with kids. Mine are pretty hardy and have travelled around the globe - but this place got them depressed in minutes. Escape was a joy.



ホテル ラ ヴィレ
We found this hotel very pleasant and had quite an Italian feel. The area looked a little run down but everything was fine. It was very quiet, no noise in the evenings and we didn’t see any issues with safety outside. The staff were very friendly not all could speak English but we quite liked that. The room was large with kitchenette. Plenty of space and very good bathroom. The shower was very powerful and had plenty of hot water. The room was very clean and serviced daily. Breakfast was good, choice of cereal, bread, fruits,cheeses etc and really nice coffee. Walking distance of bus and train station and the centre of the town was easy to walk to. We had a lovely stay here.
シティ ホール
バッド - ベッド & ブレックファスト アンド デザイン
Accommodation is in a convenient place close to the town center. It's clean and has all amenities one needs during a holiday. Host was very helpful via whatsapp when organising check in. Only thing to mention to be mindful of - the bathroom is upstairs so be prepared to walk up a flight of stairs during the night if you need the loo.
ホテル セントラム
C'EST VRAIMENT L'HOTEL DE CATANE DANS IL LEQUEL IL FAUT SEJOURNER - L'accueil est plus qu'adorable, efficace, courtois. L'établissement est très bien situé par rapport au centre; Les chambres sont hyper confortables avec tout le nécessaire et le Petit déjeuner ne pourra que vous laisser d'excellents souvenirs tant l'accueil est agréable et le buffet riche, varié et EXCELLENT !!!!! IL NE FAUT PLUS HESITER
ステシコレア パレス
エレファンツ スマイル b&b
ケタニアのB&B象の笑顔で、私は絶対に予測不可能なものを見つけました...たとえば...は毎日ではなく、通常ではありません。ホテルにいない場合でも、一定の程度で、すべての一般的な場所を見つけることができます。部屋はもちろん、本当に賞賛、これは前進...クリアです、最初に特別な賞賛と感謝、能力...を与えましょう! ! !それから、駅の近くにある少しユニークな場所を言って、鉄道と海の間の保全された歩道で朝のトレーニングをする機会があります。、デマンから数歩、そしてすべてのカタルーニャセンター...。 。それから... Lui... Matteo...ホスト全体が象の笑顔を管理し、同情的に特別です。私たちはすべての信頼、自信、知性、すべての可用性、常にそしてあらゆる状況、親切、賢い、知性に到達しました....私はここでそれを完了しました、そうでなければ、私は...になるでしょうが、それはすべて価値があります。この高価なコメント...ありがとう、すぐに...! ! !絶対に素晴らしい







トリップドットコムでは、カタニアのホテルが350軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがカタニアで運営しています。シェラトンホテルは現地の人気ブランドホテルチェーンの一つです。シェラトンは現地で宿泊する際に、必要よい選択肢になるでしょう。カタニアの人気ホテルに関して、メルキュール カターニア エクセルシオール の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はカターニア インターナショル エアポート ホテル も予約されています。



•1月~3月: 昼13.67°C,夜8.27°C

•4月~6月: 昼22.33°C,夜15.91°C

•7月~9月: 昼29.12°C,夜22.57°C






