





ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!



Caloundra City Centre Motel

Caloundra City Centre Motel









Downtown Caloundra

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

カラウンドラ|Downtown Caloundraより0.2km
We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!



ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!



ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!


Caloundra Bigscreen Cinema

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

ルンバ ビーチ リゾート

カラウンドラ|Caloundra Bigscreen Cinemaより0.31km
We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!



North Shore Oceanside Kawana
スクールホリデーに息子と2人で出かけたブリスベンへのロードトリップの帰り道、サンシャイン・コーストのDirect Hotels - North Shore Kawanaで3泊しました。 Direct Hotels - North Shore Kawanaは新しく開発が進むサンシャイン・コーストのBirtinya地区にあります。Maroochydoreから約15km、Noosaからは約60km離れており、ホテル周辺は大学病院や幼稚園がある静かで比較的安全なエリアです。ホテルから徒歩10分ほどのところにはショッピングセンターがあるので、食事や買い物も便利です。 ホテルの予約は、ケアンズ出発の約2週間前に某ホテル予約サイトから行いました。クイーンズランド南東部での新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴い、Direct Hotels - North Shore Kawanaではコンタクトレス・チェックインを実施しており、チェックインは予約時に登録した携帯電話に届くショートメッセージ内記載のリンクからオンラインで行いました。ショートメッセージは宿泊当日の午前中に受信しました。チェックインが完了すると電話でクレジットカード詳細を伝え、支払いを済ませます。14時少し前に部屋番号やルームキーの受け取り方法、駐車場案内が記載されたショートメッセージが届きました。駐車場は建物の地下にあり、部屋番号が振られた駐車スペースが滞在期間中無料で使用可能です。 今回利用したStudio with Balconyはダブルベッドが置かれ、ミニキッチン・バルコニー付きの36m2の広々とした客室です。キッチンには冷蔵庫、電子レンジが設置されているほか、トースターや電気ケトル、食器類も用意されているので連泊や長期滞在にも便利です。バルコニーからはカワナ湖(Lake Kawana)を眺められます。 客室では無料のコーヒー・紅茶が提供されています。バスアメニティはシャワーキャップ、固形石鹸とミニボトルのコンディショニングシャンプー、シャワージェル、ボディーローションが提供されていましたが、歯ブラシ等はありませんでした。客室から無料で接続できるWi-Fiは通信速度が速く、通信状態も安定していたので快適に利用できました。 完成から5年も経過していない建物なので客室は新しく快適ですが、ベッドの下に埃が溜まっていた、電気ケトルの中に水が残ったままになっていたなど、清掃がしっかりされていなかったことが欠点です。また2人で3泊したにもかかわらず、アメニティやタオルが1日分しか用意されておらず、生乾きの同じタオルを4日間使い続ける必要があったなど不便さを感じました。1~2日ごとにタオル交換やアメニティ補充のサービスがあるとより快く滞在できると思います。Direct Hotels - North Shore Kawanaは分譲マンションをホテルが借り上げて客室として使用しているので、隣室の生活音や犬の鳴き声が気になることがありました。
ペリカン ウォーターズ リゾート
Disapointed that on arrival, we were given a piece of paper, (which we did not read until day 2), advising that the room would not be serviced daily, (by that time I had put the towels on the floor to be changed) only if you stayed for over a week then your room would be serviced after day 3 or 4, you can ask for clean towels but at a charge. Also you must remove rubbish and put it in the garbage room shute on leaving, otherwise your credit card would be charged. I have never experienced this in any hotel/motel, even 2-3 stars, resort any where else in the world. We stayed 4 days, on day 3 my husband asked for more toilet paper and clean towels, husband asked why our room had not been serviced, we were told, it was a studio appartment, reception was quite flippant, but agreed to the request, although did not replace either, had to go ask a second time, told we did not have to pay for the clean towels.
ウォーターマーク リゾート カラウンドラ
ウルティカ シーアウォーター リゾート
私は母とULTIQA Shearwaterに短い休暇を過ごしました。私たちは、私たちの部屋が準備ができているときに私たちに電話をかけて非常に親切でしたホテルのフレンドリーなスタッフと会いました。これは大いに感謝されました。事前にオーシャンビュールームをリクエストし、リクエストが満たされました。新しく改装された部屋のように見えるレベル6にありました。部屋は清潔で、素晴らしい景色で快適でした!!朝食に含まれるのは少量のオプションだけですが、食事は寛大で、範囲がいいと思います。私たちは本当に滞在を楽しんだし、また来ます。 。スタッフは素晴らしかった、部屋は素晴らしかったし、場所は抜群でした。
ルンバ ビーチ リゾート
We finally had the opportunity to meet a few wonderful hosts in person: Mariana, Ines and Jackson! They were most gracious, efficient, and definitely guest-focused! However (isn’t there always an “however”?) an issue occurred regarding a malfunction television set. This was reported on Sunday. 2 April; the engineer came to our room and confirmed the existence of the problem. He indicated he could not replace the television until Monday. We were not compensated for the missed night with a few round-about-reasons as to why not, e.g., 1) the rooms are individually owned and the owner had to be contacted to authorize the purchase of a new television which could not be done until Monday; 2) had we reported the issue earlier, a replacement television might have been available; 3) it was neither the fault nor the responsibility of the Rumba staff that the television failed; 4) the front desk did not have the authority to offer compensation. These “reasons” are interesting but did not address the root issue, namely we were denied benefit of the full amenities expected for the duration of our stay. Now, to a much larger issue and significantly more important: On Monday morning, 3 April, DESPITE OUR HAVING THE “DO NOT DISTURB” SIGN INDICATED ON OUR DOOR, THE ENGINEER DISREGARDED IT AND KNOCKED LOUDLY SEVERAL TIMES! When I opened the door he indicated he was there to install the new television. When I firmly pointed to the “do not disturb” sign that he did not respect, he repeated that he was there to install the new television. Needless to say, my wife and I were both very upset as we were still in our dressing gowns and were leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee on our balcony. This instance certainly ruined our stay!! The front desk staff did not even apologize for the intrusion. When checking out on Tuesday, 4 April, when I mentioned the violation of one of the most sacred policies of any hotelier (i.e., honour and respect the “Do Not Disturb” sign of the guest, then, and only then, were we told they were sorry but that the engineer was only doing his job☹ As a follow-up, I sent an email to the General Manager and he replied that the ”Do Not Disturb” sign was for housekeeping only -- so, beware that if you want an afternoon nap or merely want to be left alone, the ”Do Not Disturb” sign will NOT prevent an unwanted intrusion!







カラウンドラへ旅する際に、ホテルが取れない心配はなく、なぜならカラウンドラは105軒以上のホテル情報をトリップドットコムが提供しています。カラウンドラのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。カラウンドラの人気ホテルに関して、Sandy Shores on Golden Beach Apartmentsの評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。もちろん、多くのお客様はGolden Beach Motor Innも予約されています。



•1月~3月: 昼25.51°C,夜22.39°C

•4月~6月: 昼20.32°C,夜16.55°C

•7月~9月: 昼18.5°C,夜14.24°C






