





ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

I have previously stayed at this establishment in 2019 and enjoyed the experience but I later booked another reservation to check-in in the month of April 2020, then the pandemic hit and borders closed, airlines grounded their planes, and it was forbidden to be in the streets unless buying food or seeking medical attention. I requested a refund for all the hotels and even my round-trip flight. ALL GRANTED ME REFUNDS DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES, all hotels except one.... The Hotel Villa Athena! The Hotel Villa Athena refused to grant me a refund, after I'd explained to them that I live in California and that the United States Government had issued a decree to ban all flights coming from Europe (especially Italy and Spain). The Hotel Villa Athena did not cooperate and were only willing to offer credit until December 2021. December approached and I again asked for a refund, they refused only to grant me an extension of the 416 Euro credit that I'd paid until December 2022 (mind you, ALL the other hotels on my itinerary for that cancelled trip HONORED granting me refunds even though most had a: ”No cancelation policy”, but providing excellent customer service satisfaction by granting refunds to their guests because those other hotels understood the situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic and they had to be lenient during that unfortunate time in history. Now in 2023 that I am again requesting the Hotel Villa Athena for a refund of the 416 Euros I'd paid back early in 2020, they responded by saying that the reservation had canceled and that there is NOTHING they can do about it! My conclusion: I would not recommend this hotel to anyone because of the poor service I received for the amount of money that I paid and that the most important thing The Hotel Villa Athena should recognize is to provide exceptional customer service skills and hospitality to their guests by understanding that ”IT'S BETTER TO LOOSE PENNYS THAN TO LOOSE DOLLARS” ( In other words: it's better to loose a bit of profit by understanding the situation of current events than loosing a customer, who will never want to ever return or will ever recommend that establishment).















ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

I have previously stayed at this establishment in 2019 and enjoyed the experience but I later booked another reservation to check-in in the month of April 2020, then the pandemic hit and borders closed, airlines grounded their planes, and it was forbidden to be in the streets unless buying food or seeking medical attention. I requested a refund for all the hotels and even my round-trip flight. ALL GRANTED ME REFUNDS DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES, all hotels except one.... The Hotel Villa Athena! The Hotel Villa Athena refused to grant me a refund, after I'd explained to them that I live in California and that the United States Government had issued a decree to ban all flights coming from Europe (especially Italy and Spain). The Hotel Villa Athena did not cooperate and were only willing to offer credit until December 2021. December approached and I again asked for a refund, they refused only to grant me an extension of the 416 Euro credit that I'd paid until December 2022 (mind you, ALL the other hotels on my itinerary for that cancelled trip HONORED granting me refunds even though most had a: ”No cancelation policy”, but providing excellent customer service satisfaction by granting refunds to their guests because those other hotels understood the situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic and they had to be lenient during that unfortunate time in history. Now in 2023 that I am again requesting the Hotel Villa Athena for a refund of the 416 Euros I'd paid back early in 2020, they responded by saying that the reservation had canceled and that there is NOTHING they can do about it! My conclusion: I would not recommend this hotel to anyone because of the poor service I received for the amount of money that I paid and that the most important thing The Hotel Villa Athena should recognize is to provide exceptional customer service skills and hospitality to their guests by understanding that ”IT'S BETTER TO LOOSE PENNYS THAN TO LOOSE DOLLARS” ( In other words: it's better to loose a bit of profit by understanding the situation of current events than loosing a customer, who will never want to ever return or will ever recommend that establishment).



ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

ホテル ヴィラ アテナ

I have previously stayed at this establishment in 2019 and enjoyed the experience but I later booked another reservation to check-in in the month of April 2020, then the pandemic hit and borders closed, airlines grounded their planes, and it was forbidden to be in the streets unless buying food or seeking medical attention. I requested a refund for all the hotels and even my round-trip flight. ALL GRANTED ME REFUNDS DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES, all hotels except one.... The Hotel Villa Athena! The Hotel Villa Athena refused to grant me a refund, after I'd explained to them that I live in California and that the United States Government had issued a decree to ban all flights coming from Europe (especially Italy and Spain). The Hotel Villa Athena did not cooperate and were only willing to offer credit until December 2021. December approached and I again asked for a refund, they refused only to grant me an extension of the 416 Euro credit that I'd paid until December 2022 (mind you, ALL the other hotels on my itinerary for that cancelled trip HONORED granting me refunds even though most had a: ”No cancelation policy”, but providing excellent customer service satisfaction by granting refunds to their guests because those other hotels understood the situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic and they had to be lenient during that unfortunate time in history. Now in 2023 that I am again requesting the Hotel Villa Athena for a refund of the 416 Euros I'd paid back early in 2020, they responded by saying that the reservation had canceled and that there is NOTHING they can do about it! My conclusion: I would not recommend this hotel to anyone because of the poor service I received for the amount of money that I paid and that the most important thing The Hotel Villa Athena should recognize is to provide exceptional customer service skills and hospitality to their guests by understanding that ”IT'S BETTER TO LOOSE PENNYS THAN TO LOOSE DOLLARS” ( In other words: it's better to loose a bit of profit by understanding the situation of current events than loosing a customer, who will never want to ever return or will ever recommend that establishment).



アンドレア カーゼ ヴァカンツェ アンコラ
ホテル デル ヴィアーレ
B&B トリスケルス
ファミリーホテルの形はなかなか見つからず、玄関先でも見つけることができません。通りの住宅ビルの5階は特に番号記号が目立たず、「ベッド&朝食」と書かれています。中庭の3つのドアの真ん中に入ると、誰かがドアベルを鳴らしてドアを開けます。店主の息子と老夫婦があなたをWeChatに追加し、WeChatでチャットし、あなたの場所を投稿します! 部屋の調度品はとても気持ちが良く、たくさんありますが、まったく乱雑ではなく、とても快適に見えます!居間と食堂の外にあるテラスは海に面していて、開放感があり、すごい! オーナーと老夫婦はとても熱心で、翻訳者を使ってさまざまな状況を紹介します!老人は駐車を手伝うこともできます。周辺の有名レストラン「カロス」をお勧めします。ステーキはとっても美味しい!強くお勧めします! 可愛くて可愛い3匹の太った猫もいます! 寝室の家具はとても美しく、特に清潔で暖かいです!朝食もとても良いです!素晴らしいホテル体験!
ホテル ヴィラ ロマーナ
Hotel Baia d'Oro
B&B ミラヴァーレ アグリジェント







アグリジェントへ旅する際に、ホテルが取れない心配はなく、なぜならアグリジェントは142軒以上のホテル情報をトリップドットコムが提供しています。アグリジェントのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。アグリジェントの人気ホテルに関して、B&B Liolàの評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。また、Bella Napoliは観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。
